Today is 11.11.11. Even the Americans have to accept this! They write 9/11 ... we, in India. write 11/9 for September 11. Today the world is unanimous. The date says in Hindi 'Hum Sab Ek Hain' - We all are one! Lets remain united.
Yes, the babies are coming today. All pregnant women (well almost all) in their final term of pregnancy want their babies to take birth today, if possible at 11.11.11 hours. Might be we can have many cricket teams from these babies being born on 11.11.11 at 11.11.11. That is at least six world teams of eleven each. If you want the extra twelfth men then you may have to wait till 12.12.12 hours on 12.12.12.
The doctors are busy today so that they can rest on Saturday and Sunday after having taken part in creating history! So it is 'C' Sections where nature does not create the pains of labour ... or labour cannot be induced. The debate is still going on ... will it be today for the little 'bee' to see the world? Or will it start 'acting' up even before it comes to the world? The little 'bee' is going to be the youngest child actor of the world unless you count the baby one saw in the film 'Gupt Gyan' way back in your younger days.
And for those whose babies are almost due but cannot take birth today, there is another date coming up shortly .... 20.11.2011. Unfortunately that is a Sunday and the doctors want to take rest on that day. So let the babies come naturally.... the doctors are at rest. The mid-wives are willing to take over... for it comes to them naturally to deliver all those babies wanting to come out ....'naturally'.
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